jeudi 28 janvier 2016


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We depend on antibiotics to fight infections and numerous diseases but, unfortunately, we may not be able to rely on their lifesaving capacities for long. When they were first introduced in 1944, antibiotics were considered a miracle cure, used to treat everything from salmonella and pneumonia to infected wounds. To ensure their enduring effectiveness, they were intended to be used sparingly. However, the meat industry has been overusing antibiotics for decades.
These drugs are fed to factory farm animals to make them grow bigger faster and to enable them to survive the unsanitary and cramped conditions they are raised in. The rampant misuse of these drugs has led to new antibiotic-resistant bacteria emerging, commonly known as “superbugs.” Scientists have been highlighting the severity of health risks posed by these superbugs for years, but with these warnings unheeded; the situation has progressively gotten worse.
Recently, researchers discovered a new gene mutation in bacteria called mcr-1 in meat, live pigs, and sick people in China. This gene makes bacteria resistant to our last-resort class of antibiotics. Scarier still, there is a high rate of transfer of this gene between bacteria, suggesting the terrifying potential for this drug-resistance to reach epidemic proportions and spread worldwide. Confirming this suspicion, a mere month after the gene was discovered in China, scientists found the very same strong strain of antibiotic-resistance in the United Kingdom.

The Major Culprit

The Meat Industry is Creating New Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria… and it’s Spreading Rapidly

 rappel 80% des antibiotiques  utilises aux usa sont destines aux animaux , mais la chine fait encore mieux!!!

 bien sur si les animaux etaient eleves differemment cela pourrait etre superflu, mais les elevages veulent  aussi augmenter la  corpulence des betes  pour le profit

 et comme l' administration au cas par cas  serait trop complique ils optent pour une distribution de masse  

It is now widely accepted that antibiotic-resistance has grown and spread due to these drugs being heavily overused in animal agriculture. Antibiotics — and colistin in particular — are fed to intensively-raised livestock in massive quantities. A whopping 80 percent of all antibiotics used in the United States are given to factory farmed animals. China alone uses 12,000 tons of colistin in animal farming each year, with the U.S. using  800 tons. A further 400 tons are administered to animals raised for food in Europe. There, the amount of antibiotics given to farm animals is more than 500 times the amount used for humans.
Why does the farming industry need such massive quantities of antibiotics? Shockingly, it actually doesn’t. Or rather it wouldn’t if it didn’t confine its animals and supersize them for profit. Antibiotics are routinely administered to farm animals to increase their physical size — to render their slaughtered bodies more profitable to the industry ­— and to counter the poor hygiene and intensive conditions farm animals are subjected to. Indeed, it would cost far too much to monitor and treat each animal on a case-by-case basis. Instead, massive quantities of antibiotics are ground up and fed to all the animals, as a purely preventative measure.
People are not only contaminated by the drug-resistant bacteria by eating the meat from these animals, but also because of how easily these superbugs spread through our environment, as this video clearly illustrates. This essentially means that drug-resistant infections can affect people whether or not they eat meat, all because of the livestock industry’s rampant mismanagement.
In other words, the meat industry has brought about the beginning of a health crisis of epidemic proportions merely to turn a quick buck. Life-saving drugs are being rendered utterly useless, putting thousands of people at risk, just so farmers can profit by inducing growth and preventing losses in the animals they slaughter.

Why are Superbugs so Dangerous?

pourquoi ces virus resistant sont ils si dangereux..

 suite ici  dont :

 Currently, antibiotic-resistant infections kill 23,000 Americans each year. It is estimated that by 2050, they will claim the lives of 9.6 million people worldwide.


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