jeudi 14 février 2013



It seems like it should be simple; we just want to know what we are eating

But recent revelations about horsemeat in beef ready meals, pork in beef pies, and now even suspicions of donkey meat labelled as beef on supermarket shelves, show that we can’t trust what food labels tell us. Compassion has a simple solution; join us in calling for food labels that tell the whole truth.
The recent scandals are revealing the true nature of the cheap meat production system, and it isn’t a pretty picture. The corruption and contamination issues are just the tip of the iceberg. The scale and complexity of the food chain are not just bad news for consumers, they are also a disaster for animal welfare.
With more than 80% of the EU’s farm animals being factory farmed in inhumane conditions; confined, overcrowded, unable to express natural behaviours, pumped full of antibiotics, undertaking long journeys or suffering painful mutilations – the animals that go into many meat products are likely to have endured a great deal of suffering in their short lives.
A Romanian horse being transported, Compassion Investigation, 2009
The recent horsemeat scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. Join us in calling on the UK Government to take urgent action on food labelling. We want to know what we are eating and how it was produced.
Take Action!

It doesn’t have to be this way

We know that consumers are interested in animal welfare. We know that clear labelling leads to an increase in sales of higher welfare animal products. We need labels that tell us the truth about what is in our food, and how it was produced.
The whole truth: so consumers can exercise their right to choose higher welfare products and know what they are eating. We are calling for true transparency in food labelling, including country of origin and mandatory method of production labelling. Please join us.

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