mercredi 21 septembre 2016



Ginger, turmeric, and lemon are no doubt three of the most popular healing, natural foods today regardless that they’ve been around for longer than any of us have! One reason they are so incredible is because each of them come with an array of benefits that can be used in multiple ways to benefit the brain and body. They’re also easy to access at any supermarket and many are more affordable and effective than the most pricey health products out there for the conditions they promise to alleviate.
For example, turmeric is a great anti-inflammatory aid that may work better than many over the counter drugs and certainly doesn’t come with the negative effects on the liver and heart that some chemical-based options do. And this is just one example, but there are so many more! Lemons come with tons of benefits for all parts of your body as does ginger, and turmeric even has more up its sleeve than just inflammation-busting properties.
So, let’s look at how these three incredible foods can be used to care for the body naturally and learn to implement them more often.

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