dimanche 23 septembre 2018


L' ASIE DOUBLE SON IMPORTATION DE RIZ...CAR PERTE DE SA PRODUCTION LOCALE..A CAUSE DE LA SECHERESSE... L' ASIE ACHETE DU BLE A L' ARGENTINE, LA RUSSIE ET L' UKRAINE N' EN ONT PLUS ASSEZ A LEUR VENDRE...NI L' AUSTRALIE.. VOIR LES GRAINS INEXISTANTS!! MAIS L' ARGENTINE VEND PRINCIPALEMENT AU BRESIL ET NE POURRA PAS SAUVER LE MONDE... PROBLEME AUSSI EN INDE ET AUTRES MAUVAISES NOUVELLES DENREES ALIMENTAIRES DANS LE MONDE Indonesia has lost so much rice production they will import two million additional tons of rice to stabilize prices as price spikes sent food inflation up 12% so far over the last six months. India, Myanmar, Vietnam all significant reduction in yield. Asia turns to Argentina for wheat imports as Russia and Ukraine can no longer supply. Now Argentina putting a 10% export tax on grains. Its all about shifting global cloud cells and jet streams. Rain moves, droughts form and crops are lost.

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