samedi 15 novembre 2014


en France nous avons a l' occasion des fetes le carnage du foie gras.. aux USA ce sont les dindes qui  meurent a l' occasion du  THANKSGIVING INEVITABLE!!


By Twyla Francois
When I first heard the work of Canadian musician Jesse Thom, I was brought to tears. His music is haunting, ethereal and emotive, yet clear, honest and innocent. I knew immediately that we had to work together on a project. Waiting for the Birds to Strike is the result.
The timing of my introduction to Jesse was particularly synchronous. The song Jesse sent me, Waiting for the Birds to Strike, arrived just after co-investigator Olivier Berreville and I returned from a Granny’s Poultry turkey barn, where, contrary to company management assurances, we documented the same cruel and abusive loading of baby turkeys that we had two years prior (turkeys reach slaughter-weight at just a few months of age, still blue-eyed and peeping). We trailed the terrified turkeys to Granny’s slaughterhouse in Blumenort, Manitoba feeling absolutely helpless to stop their killing.
....After seeing the depth of forgiveness of these incredible animals, I hope you too will reconsider your relationship with them. As a consumer, you have the power to change the future for birds like Sophie and Katie. Please, stop providing a reason for companies like Granny’s to continue killing them.

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